Brand Name: ABB
Model Number: 07EA61R1 GJV3074351R1
Place of Origin: Sweden
If you find the same parts from any other suppliers cheaper than us , we will try to match that the same price,or provide you with a further discount.
We have a large inventory of high quality, surplus control system parts. We also distribute many new hardware and software products to help supporting your existing control systems or utilize the latest control technology. We have experienced staff, extensive test facilities and we can provide 1-year warranty for all of our surplus parts.
ABB 07AI90-S
ABB 07BT62R1
ABB 07CR41
ABB 07DC91 GJR5251400R0202
ABB 07DC92 GJR5252200R0101
ABB 07DC92 GJR5251600R0202
ABB 07DI92
Contact Me
TIFFINY GUAN (sales manager)